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How To Avoid Using Honey For WAM & Why. Alternatives Galore!

Writer's picture: Candy CustardCandy Custard

Please don't use honey for WAM & sploshing.

There are so many alternatives, and they tend to be cheaper too!

Bees are so very important for our ecosystem and some honey farming methods are questionable, replacing the bees food with glucose, leaving the bees vulnerable to disease and death.

Honey is replaced with a sugar substitute when it’s removed from the hive. This sugar substitute is not good for bees’ health as it lacks the essential nutrients that honey contains.

Selective breeding of honey bees narrows the gene pool and increases the possibility of disease and large-scale die-offs.

Diseases are also caused by importing different species of bees for use in hives. (These diseases are then spread to the thousands of other pollinators).

There is often no way to tell if your honey was farmed this way, but it's very likely with cheap supermarket versions, so it’s best just to avoid it and use an alternative.

Bees are already suffering enough from pesticide usage and many other things, so we as sploshers have a duty to avoid encouraging the cheap honey industry. I'm not a vegan, but same as with my stance on cheap eggs, I strongly object to harming animals or our pollinators just for the sake of something to get messy with.

If honey is your fave food and you need some cheap then I have no objection to that - but for pouring over your head? Nah. No need, especially when there are so many alternatives, and often cheaper too.

save money by avoiding honey for sploshing
No need to use honey


This is the easiest one ever - golden syrup in the UK, or pancake syrup, maple syrup, corn syrup, agave syrup, butterscotch syrup, toffee sauce, anywhere where golden syrup isn't common. Most of these, especially golden syrup and pancake syrup are cheaper than honey and easier to find in bigger bottles and jars.

For example, here's a giant bucket of glucose syrup at 10kg for £34.

Here's 10kg corn syrup for £30 (two of these)

The equivalent in honey would cost £170 (needing two of these)

On a smaller scale?

At Sainsburys, 750ml of golden syrup is £1.35 and the nearest equivalent amount for honey could find at 720ml is £3.35

Preparing Syrups

So, presuming you are now going to save some money and the bees and the planet by using syrups instead, here's how to source, prepare, splosh with and clean it all up.

Even if you do end up using actual honey, it's exactly the same, it's just a syrup. So all this advice applies to honey too.

I already did a full article about all syrups and treacle etc here, but I'll copy it to this post too just so you have it all in one handy place.

Syrups are available in small or large tins from supermarkets, in various sized squeezy bottles or online in bulk cases and 7.5kg large bottles.

Store your syrups in a warm room or on top of a warm radiator for 2 to 6 hours before using it. For small tins and bottles, you may only need an hour, or nothing at all in summer.

The 7.5 kg bottles need 6 hours or gentle warmth.

The warmth is very important. This is because cold syrups are very unpleasant to play with. It becomes too thick and can be painful when poured over hair, pulling the hair out by the roots due to the extreme weight and the extra time it takes to slide down

Don’t worry about letting it warm up, it will not become too thin, just perfect and manageable.

Be careful not to get it in your eyes, sugar is the worst offender for stinging eyes.

Cleaning Up Syrups

A lot of wammers seem to worry about using sticky syrups, but good news, they are actually pretty easy to clean!

The main component is sugar, and this applies to all syrups, like golden syrup, strawberry syrup, honey, molasses and pancake syrup.

Sugar is water soluble!

It simply dissolves away. The warmer the water and the more of it, the more easily it dissolves. No problem!

Body, Hair & Skin


Simply stand under a stream of warm water from the shower for as long as it takes. Once the stickiness is gone, just use your regular shower gel, preferably one with lemon, and as always, preferably with the help of something to scrub, like a loofah, plastic loofah or bath puff, or a soft bristled body brush.

I also recommend having a mirror within your line of sight in the bathroom so you can visually check for any missed areas. Common areas I used to miss were backs of arms, flanks, backs of legs and ankles. Always check every single crevice of your ears too!


For short haired people

Warm water alone will dissolve the stickiness, so just stand under the stream of water for a while. Shampoo twice or more with a strongly scented shampoo like lemon or tea tree

For longer hair

Don’t worry, it’s easy. Stand under the stream of warm water and the treacle dissolves away. Shampoo twice with strongly scented shampoo, massaging it out each time for as long as you can from root to tip. Shampoo gently though, be careful not to rub it into your hair, rather just keep smoothing down and gently work it in with fingertips. Condition as normal, but only on the very ends of your hair.

Items & Objects

Baths & Showers

I recommend avoiding use of a bath or shower for sploshing where possible due to limited space and the need to clean the bath before cleaning yourself. It's just more comfortable and pleasant to keep the bath or shower more available and set up a pool or inflatable massage mat or even a makeshift messy nest elsewhere (layers of good plastic propped up around the edges with blankets or towels) with more space to surround yourself with your messy session items.

If you decide to make a messy nest as described above, make sure to use heavy grade 125mu + polythene or the plastic will bunch up, float around and stick to you a lot (kinda kills the mood!)

If you really have to use the bath and any mess gets dried on, use a long lasting bathroom mousse or leave a wet cloth on top of the mark to help soak it off.

I like this bathroom mousse which is really good on starchy items, paint pigments, sugary items and more and I use a scrub daddy for any stubborn marks. A stiff bristled brush can also work well to help it along.

Avoid the bath situation with another fave of mine, the inflatable massage mat (usually the size of a double bed and easier to clean than a high sided pool)

If you block the drain, for syrupy and sugary things like syrups, honey and treacle (water soluble remember!) you likely only need to keep running hot water, or even boil a kettle of water and pour that down the drain. If all else fails, a 15 minute drain unblocker will likely resolve the problem. The one I always keep available just in case is pictured below. Just pour it through any standing water in the direction of the plug hole and leave it as long as possible... they claim 5 minutes but it can take up to 30.

Cleaning Sploshed Inflatable Pools

If you want to save the pool

Keep the pool inflated the whole time through this process.

First, scoop all the treacle or syrup out of your pool into buckets. Spray the residues with cleaning spray and give it a good scrub around with a brush, twice all over to be sure, not forgetting the outsides. Then add a bucket or so of hot soapy water and do it again. Now scoop out and tip away or flush the water. Keep the pool inflated the whole time, and clean the sides of the pool with a few microfibre cloths and a cleaning spray.

Then with it still inflated, stand it up against a wall and use the cleaning spray again, and absorbent cloths all over it. Dry it thoroughly with towels or kitchen roll and then allow to thoroughly air dry, still inflated, before trying to pack it away. If any moisture remains, it will go mouldy.

Step by step pool cleaning guide

I recently wrote an even more in depth guide to pool cleaning with step by step instructions from prep to finish, and my thoughts on wet/dry vacuums and lining the pool with plastic. To read that, go here

If you want to throw away the pool...

If you used a small pool and a bucket or less of mess in total

You may be able to simply pop the pool, squash it and put it into a bin bag. If you do this, be mindful of avoiding leaks from the edges as you squash it up, put it into a bin bag, secure the bin bag and then add another to be sure of no leaking. I often use three bin bags with this method, and with any other messy things that have to be thrown away.

If you used a large inflatable pool and more than one bucket of mess

For large amounts, you'll need to scoop out and dispose of everything before trying to bag it, or it will be too heavy. 10 litres is one bucket, and is the equivalent of 10kg. Even if you are strong enough to lift it easily, you risk the bin bag tearing if the contents are too heavy. Follow the above advice about absorbing the excess oil with wood pellet cat litter or puppy pads and bagging it up, before doing the same with the pool itself.

Buckets & Tools

As with the other things, lots of warm soapy water and lots of rinsing is all you need, helping it along with a soft brush or cloth if need be.


Wrap them up in a large clean towel or drop into a clean bucket so they don’t drip on the way to your washing machine. Give them two or three full washing cycles, as hot as the fabrics will allow, all with the recommended amount of laundry detergent or powder. On the last washing machine cycle, add a normal amount of fabric softener too

Underwear, Lingerie, Tights & Stockings

Follow the above laundry advice but put tights and lingerie items in their own zip up mesh laundry bags, separate from each other. It's especially important to keep them separate from bras or anything with clasps or fastenings, as they will get snagged, potentially twist and rip, and be difficult to untangle.

You could also keep them separate to hand wash on their own. Bras, teddies, babydoll nighties, basques etc all need their own zip up mesh laundry bags, or like with tights and stockings, keep them separate for thorough hand washing individually. Due to the oiliness they will need extra detergent and careful attention, and likely several cycles of washing, rinsing and wringing out.


Wash them in the sink as though you were washing dishes, with plenty of very warm soapy water.

Stuff them with newspaper or kitchen paper and leave them in a warm and airy place to dry, but away from direct heat.


For wigs, hand washing is best. Be very gentle and use shampoo twice, rinsing each time. Then liberally soak it with hair conditioner and leave it for at least 30 minutes. Brush it out gently with a wet brush - a wet brush is a great invention and is the name of the brand. It's very gentle and good for head hair too. Rinse thoroughly and wrap it in a towel, then apply pressure to dry it a little, do not rub it. Then keep away from direct heat to dry it, preferably hanging on something rounded to help it keep its shape, like a mannequin head.

Who Am I?

And why do I know stuff?

Well, I'm a UK based WAM producer and sometimes model with 15 years experience. For over 10 of those years I hosted a bonkers amount of wam sessions (3 or 4 a week) and I consider myself very lucky to have been able to do so... however I had to get very good at cleaning up quickly in the fairly small window of privacy I would get, and I had to leave no trace due to living in rented accommodation.

I also had to get inventive with substances and alternatives. I think all my trial and error experiments with WAM now mean there is literally nothing I haven't personally tried and in turn, there's nothing I haven't cleaned up either.

I love when other people go for it and enjoy getting messy, especially if it's because of something I did or said to encourage them. So if you're looking for a sign, this is it.. and with all my articles, I hope to give you the confidence to make your sessions bigger and messier and with a bonus of inner peace, knowing you can easily clean it all up too.

There's a more in depth interview with me on the blog here

Please share these articles with your favourite wammers, models and content creators or any messy session providers and/or playmates to help give them an easier WAM life.

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Candy Custard
Candy Custard
May 03, 2023

Yeah that's great. Most syrups are just fine though and easier to source, like golden syrup, glucose syrup, pancake syrup - lots of cheap and readily available options, all much cheaper than honey. I'm sure not all of the honey industry is harmful overall to bees, but I'd rather just avoid it altogether given there are so many other sticky and cheaper choices x


May 03, 2023
We can use artificial honey.
Artificial honey - a synthetic food product (man-made), imitating natural honey, which is similar in taste and appearance to its natural counterpart. The product may be solid or liquid.

Honey is obtained by the decomposition of complex sugars (usually from potato syrup) sucrose or isoglucose into simple sugars in the process of heating in a solution with the addition of weak acids as catalysts. Then colorants, aromas and flavor essences are added. The method has been used industrially since World War I.

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